Fund III
Acquisition of an owner-managed business that had experienced strong recent growth, with a management team seeking to reach new heights.
A high-quality provider of leadership and management apprenticeship training programmes.
Business Situation
Having built a business with a reputation for quality of service, with an exceptional track record of learner outcomes, the Founders of Instep were seeking an exit, with the Senior Management Team looking to take the reins.
The Senior Management Team were looking for a supportive and proactive investor to work alongside them and to provide the scaling expertise required for the next phase of growth.
The Journey
The business is at a classic point in the scale-up journey, with several potential routes to further growth and a need to answer key strategic questions ahead of investing further in the operational capability, infrastructure and channels to market.
We will provide Management with the support to flesh out and refine their strategy, build the foundations for further growth and ensure the business continues to deliver outstanding quality of training to clients.
“Instep is perfectly placed to deliver an ambitious scale-up strategy.”