Fund III
Funding a reputable media group reporting on European private equity news with deep analysis and comprehensive deal coverage.
Real Deals' prestigious publications and events are at the heart of the European private equity community.
Business Situation
Real Deals Media provides insightful and relevant publications, content and events targeted at investment professionals and their service providers, such as law firms, banks and consultancies. Over the last 20 years, Real Deals has built a diverse revenue base consisting of subscriptions, advertising and events.
Real Deals were looking to seize the opportunity of a growing market with ambitious plans to increase its service offering to the private equity community. The business was in search of new ownership that would provide the company with the funding and genuine support to enable them to achieve their exciting growth plans and our Scaler Programme was identified as the perfect fit.
The Journey
Real Deals presents an exciting opportunity for ScaleUp Capital. The company has well-known and reputable brands in growing markets and there are many attractive avenues for innovation through existing and new products and services.
As the voice of European private equity, Real Deals is uniquely positioned to leverage two decades of relationships with key private equity players across the continent to create high quality products, content and exclusive networking opportunities.
Visit their website here.
“There are many exciting opportunities for Real Deals and we’re delighted to be working with the company to make the most of them.”